Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Motivates One May Not Motivate Another…

My Midterm Digital Storytelling Project is focused on motivation.
Question: What motivates you to reach you academic goals at college? And how committed are you to those goals? Meaning are they just a goal you would like to reach or one you are going to fully commit yourself to and strive to achieve.
I came up with a broad idea about basing my project on motivation because I feel like everyone comes to college for a different reason and everyone comes with their own personal academic goal. Whether that goal is to get accepted into your major by applying into their program (Nursing or Education) or managing a 4.0GPA, student’s academic goals all differ from one another for various personal reasons. Throughout the process of my meeting with my INQ professor and peer mentor got a better idea of which direction I wanted to peruse. I want to find out what motivates one to reach their academic goals.
Psychology plays large role in my project because what motivates one does not motivate another. The actual definition of motivation from a psychological perspective is a satisfaction of needs or expression of psychological/physical drives. Motivation comes from within! And the characteristics of motivated behavior include: motivation changes from day to day, individuals are on a different motivated level, and environment/surroundings can affect motivation more or less. I am going to try to include some of these psychological motivated behaviors when I begin my interview process with my psychology professor and students around campus this week.
I feel as if I have a good start to my midterm project and I have a lot of great brainstorming ideas. I went from such a broad idea, not knowing what I really what aspect I wanted to focus on to feeling as if I have a satisfying beginning to my project that I am happy with. I look forward to the interview process to find out what motivates people and how much one person’s academic motivation may differ from another’s. Let the process begin!

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