Saturday, September 11, 2010

Are you an Educated Person?

The University of Michigan’s definition of an Educated Person really caught my close attention as I read through the article. And as I read I thought to myself am I an educated person? I answered that question on a personal level.

“An educated person is someone who has learned how to acquire, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, understand, and communicate knowledge and information. An educated person has to develop skills that respond to changing professional requirements and new challenges in society and the world at large. He or she must be able to take skills previously gained from serious study of one set of problems and apply them to another. He or she must be able to locate, understand, interpret, evaluate, and use information in an appropriate way and ultimately communicate his or her synthesis and understanding of that information in a clear and accurate manner.”

[ Definition from ]

How can I now apply this information?

I applied the definition of an educated person as the expectation I have for myself and what I what to accomplish as an undergraduate student. Everyone should set goals and expectations for themselves because that is what makes them a more determined, accomplished person in life and determination is key.

To get a better understanding of the concept I related the article back to an event that had took place within my life. When I think of the definition of an educated person one event comes to mind; the SAT’s. The most important aptitude test you will take in your life many will tell you. Though that is not necessarily the case your scores will determine what college you will get into. I am not a good tester. I personally am better at writing papers and completing projects. So when it became time to begin studying for the SAT’s I felt extremely overwhelmed. How am I going to be able to learn to acquire, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, understand, and communicate knowledge and information all within one short test? My parents got me a tutor and bought me all the studying books to fully prepare myself for the SAT’s. So how did I do? Well, I accomplished the goal I had set for myself. Though I hadn’t exceeded my expectations I believe I did the best that I could and I was proud of myself for that.

Becoming an educated, knowledgeable person isn’t easy but if you work smart it will come true for you!


pictures  by Google Images.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think the SAT is a good measure of how educated you are?
