Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September: A Month of Love and Loss

Ever since I was a little girl I always dreaded this time of year. And what happened last year made it even worse…
I am an only child and I have always been really close to my mom and my Ana (my grandmother).  We are a classic example of 3 generations; we did absolutely everything together and shared a bond no one could break. From the moment I was born I was constantly surrounded by love and affection from my Ana. Nothing could make me happier than just spending the day with the two most important and influential women in my life. But about 7 years ago, when I was 10 my Ana and Papa decided to sell their house in West Haven and move down to Florida. They come back every year at the end of May to spend the summer, until September when it’s time to say goodbye again. When I was younger I would cry for weeks after she left because I missed her so much but over the years I’ve learned to cope much better. Summer ended, school started, and my Ana would go back home. The worst month of the year.
Last year though, last year was different.
Ana & Papa had already left to go home… and on September 17th, 2009 our family dog Cali passed away from liver disease. Words cannot explain the love I felt for her, and she was the sweetest Yellow Lab you would ever meet. Her loss took a huge tole on not only me, my mom, and my dad but on my Ana too. She felt so bad that she couldn’t be there for me when I felt I needed her the most. Cali was my best friend and she meant the world to me. Dealing with her loss was really hard, but a few months later my Ana knew it was time for our family to fill our house with the same love we felt for Cali. She helped us find the newest member of our family Sophie, a Chocolate Lab puppy. The love we felt for Cali can never be replaced, just like the love I feel for my Ana will never fade just because she doesn’t live close by anymore.
One year later, and its September again. I’ve started my new life as a college student and said my goodbye’s to Ana. Even though my life has changed so much since last September I will always look back on this month and remember the wonderful life Cali shared with me and my family.
The influence Ana and Cali have on my life may seem so different, but to me the love feels the same.


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