Thursday, September 16, 2010

Outcasts United: Warren St. John's Lecture

On September 15th, 2010 at 7pm, I attend the lecture by the author of Outcasts United, Warren St. John at the Lyman Center. He based his lecture off the summary/quote on the cover of the book, “An American Town, a Refugee Team, and One Women’s Quest to make a Difference”.  In the duration of his 45 minute speech he did not only summarize the novel, but he talked about the major themes and elements of the book.
The three major elements of the book included Clarkston, a small suburb town in Georgia that turned into a refugee settlement, the Refugees, and Coach Luma. Those three elements all undergo a transition in an ordinary way. The refugee’s transition from life in war zone to a new a life in Clarkston was a huge struggle, but it made them stronger and the soccer team only brought them more together.
Clarkston represented America’s future. In 5 years Clarkston went from being a boring, suburb town to one of the most diverse cities in the America, representing what American a whole would be in the future. The refuges looked up to Coach Luma, they connected with her and she helped them find meaning in life through the game of soccer. It wasn’t about winning to her; it was about passion, happiness, and finding themselves.
Connection, Unity, and Diversity are the three major themes of this novel. Warren St. John explained how culture connected within the three major themes. Even though the refugees now live in American they still must respect their culture and their place of origin. They want to feel a sense of belonging so they begin to adopt American customs but they still must always remember to always respect their culture. Through the major themes of the book you begin to understand the differences behind each of the refugees and see how they come together in a dynamic, organic way to achieve a common goal. They want to win to prove that they are more than just refuges living in a small American town, they are family. Luma shaped the Fugees in such a positive way. They have moved past their dismantled, cliquey team and formed a family.
Warren St. John wrapped up his speech by relating the themes in his book; connection, unity, and diversity to our college campus. Southern Connecticut State University is a diverse community and he explained how we as students should get involved within areas on campus to connect with each other. This takes preference over difference.
The biggest lesson John has learned from the Fugees is responsibility. College is a placed like no other he explained, so do yourself a favor and come together because you are all here for the same common mission. Be accepting towards others and you will benefit in the end.
Thank you Warren St. John.

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