Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's Your Major?!

As the mid semester will be approaching very shortly, I cannot believe how fast the time has flown by! Midterm advising is about to begin and students are starting to think about Spring registration and what classes they want to take, or need to take depending on their major choice. Many of my friends have not even declared their major yet, but I have…
Major: Pre-Nursing.
I am not completely considered a “nursing” student until I have completed all my pre-requisites and required courses to apply into the program at the completion of my sophomore year. The nursing program here at SCSU is extremely competitive, which is why I as a pre-nursing student have to stay focused on my grades and completely dedicated to my school work.
 I chose nursing because I love the anatomy and physiology of the human body and I also really love helping and caring for people. My aunt is a nurse and she is my inspiration. I love hearing about her position at the hospital and all the different patients she has dealt with. Nursing such a fascinating and exciting career and today nurses are in great need. Becoming a nurse in today’s economy will be such a rewarding accomplishment. This career choice is what I am passionate about and I will accomplish my dream of becoming an RN (registered nurse). I specifically want to become a maternity nurse and work in the maternity ward, dealing with not only the newborns but caring for the mothers as well. Pregnancy has always been is so fascinating to me. I always get so excited when someone I know gets pregnant. I love following their pregnancy and reading their baby books that show you the growth and development of the fetus week by week. I know nursing is a tough major but I am 100% dedicated to the career choice I have declared and I will not let myself down!
Because nursing is such a competitive field of work today, I do have a backup plan just in case I am not accepted into the nursing program. I know I want to work within the medical field no matter what I do, but I know for a fact one day I will become an excellent nurse. If my goal cannot be achieved here at SCSU I want to graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Public Health and then go on to become an ultra sound technician. I would work as an ultra sound tech and then continue to work towards my degree as an RN. Both Nursing and Sonography are fascinating career choices and though I do not what my future holds for me, nothing makes me happier than knowing I will one day have a career I am passionate and excited about.


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