Saturday, September 4, 2010


As I sit here in my excruciatingly hot dorm room located in Hickerson Hall, I think back on what my life used to be like before August 27, 2010. In high school I had all the time in the world. I had many tasks to juggle such as homework, cheerleading practice, and work along with spending times with friends and family but overall my life was simple. Now that I am entering college and getting adjusted to my new life I feel college will be a whole new world for me. I will endure many tasks that will challenge me as a student. So what is college? College for me will determine my career. My major is nursing and have to work towards my major. My grades over the next two years will determine if I will get into the program or not. But for right now college is about meeting new people, getting involved in the SCSU community and overall having the time of my life. For me, going to college means accomplishing a goal, one I have set for myself and will achieve! Being a new face in the SCSU college community means a lot to me. I chose SCSU for many reasons. For one thing I am a home bodied girl, but I still wanted to get the experience of living away at college. I only live 30 minutes away so if I ever feel I just need to be with my family and go home for the weekend I can. Academically I will strive to do my best on every assignment, in every class, and I will dedicate my time to my school work. Personally, college is a huge adjustment for me, but I do feel really good about starting the new chapter of my life. Though my first year of college brings a lot of excitement it also brings a lot of worry and stress. I'm nervous the workload will be overbearing but I'm confident that if I keep a positive attitude and dedicate myself to my work I will not only be able to manage but will succeed as well. I will work hard to accomplish the goals I have set for myself and I will not let myself down! SCSU here I come.

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