Saturday, September 4, 2010

Unique Me

When I think of myself and who I am as a person many words come to mind...

Friendly. I am a very happy and friendly person. I love meeting new people and making new friends and college is the best time to do so! Happiness for me is essential. I am a very genuine person and I believe being friendly towards others says a lot about yourself.

Reliable. I do not like to be let down; therefore I do not like to let others down. I am very reliable person. My friends and family know me to be the one to always count on. I am strong willed and I never like to give up on any goal or dream I have set for myself. I am an extremely determined person and that determination plays into my reliability.

Outgoing. I was a cheerleader for 7 years of my life so I will say that has a lot to do with my social skills. I am a loud, outspoken person who believes having fun and just living life is the best thing you can do for yourself. Always be yourself is my number one motto. Being outgoing will never hurt, you may have to break out of your comfort zone but it is totally worth it in the end. I love the confident, outgoing person that I am.

Loving. I am an extremely loving person, and I love very easily. I love my friends, my family and my new life. I don't want to be cocky and say that I love myself, but I do love the person that I have become and I am very proud of myself. Though love can hurt sometimes being the strong willed person that I am I feel that I have the confidence within myself to overcome any obstacle. Love who you are, always.

Sensitive. I may not seem by the way that I have been describing myself that I am a sensitive person but I truly am. I am emotional at times and my feelings can get hurt very easily. I like to put up a guard and tell myself that I'm stronger than this but sometimes I feel like I just need to let it out and that is when my sensitivity plays a huge role in my life. Being sensitive is nothing to be ashamed about and that’s why I can be strong and embrace my sensitivity.

As you can tell I am a very well rounded person when it comes to describing myself, but that’s what makes me, me.

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