Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Motivates One May Not Motivate Another…

My Midterm Digital Storytelling Project is focused on motivation.
Question: What motivates you to reach you academic goals at college? And how committed are you to those goals? Meaning are they just a goal you would like to reach or one you are going to fully commit yourself to and strive to achieve.
I came up with a broad idea about basing my project on motivation because I feel like everyone comes to college for a different reason and everyone comes with their own personal academic goal. Whether that goal is to get accepted into your major by applying into their program (Nursing or Education) or managing a 4.0GPA, student’s academic goals all differ from one another for various personal reasons. Throughout the process of my meeting with my INQ professor and peer mentor got a better idea of which direction I wanted to peruse. I want to find out what motivates one to reach their academic goals.
Psychology plays large role in my project because what motivates one does not motivate another. The actual definition of motivation from a psychological perspective is a satisfaction of needs or expression of psychological/physical drives. Motivation comes from within! And the characteristics of motivated behavior include: motivation changes from day to day, individuals are on a different motivated level, and environment/surroundings can affect motivation more or less. I am going to try to include some of these psychological motivated behaviors when I begin my interview process with my psychology professor and students around campus this week.
I feel as if I have a good start to my midterm project and I have a lot of great brainstorming ideas. I went from such a broad idea, not knowing what I really what aspect I wanted to focus on to feeling as if I have a satisfying beginning to my project that I am happy with. I look forward to the interview process to find out what motivates people and how much one person’s academic motivation may differ from another’s. Let the process begin!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Southern Spirit!

On Thursday September 23, 2010 I attended the first SCSU football game of the season. This wasn’t just any football game…it was Sothern’s first live broadcasted game which was to be aired on CBS College Sports Network. The game was against the AIC (American International College) Yellow Jackets. The game started promptly at 8pm but the Southern spirit began way earlier! As my friends and I all got ready, decked out in our Southern sportswear we headed over to the tailgate at 5:30. We were lucky enough to be one of the first 200 students to arrive at the tailgate so we got a free SCSU “Blue Crew” tee shirt. There was a DJ set up playing a ton of great music for our entertainment and a ton free food! We got right in the food line and took advantage of all the great food they had to offer such as fried dough, hotdogs, french fries and soda. It was so delicious! After we ate, we headed over to the face painting station and got blue and white football lines on our faces to show our Southern spirit even more. We had such a great time socializing and meeting up with a bunch of friends. The tailgate was a lot more fun than I thought it would be and I was so glad that I went. At around 7:30 fans began to fill the stands and the Southern spirit began! As the football team ran onto the field at 8:00 the crowd went wild chanting chants such as, “SC-SC” and “Can I get a Hoot Hoot”! I have never seen so much spirit at a football game before. I felt like the whole school came together to support their team and show their Southern Pride.  It was such a great experience and I look forward to attending many more games in the future. I left at halftime but watched the rest of the game on TV when I got back to my dorm. The Owls beat the Yellow Jackets 28-7 and their victory was a great accomplishment. I had such a great time and I will never forget the college bonding experience I was a part of. Let’s go Owls!
Southern Spirit! Check out this link for upcoming SCSU events.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Professional but Me?

Two of my most favorite things in life: Shopping & Beauty and Cooking. And I don’t think I could have discovered better blogs to suit their great personalities.
The first professional blog I discovered is called The Lo Down. It was created and written by Lo Bosworth, MTV’s The Hills star. “The Lo Down is a guide to fashion, relationships, the good life and everything in between”. Her blog really stood out to me because it is everything I am interested in reading about in my free time along with Cosmo of course! I actually think I have found a blog that I am excited to read on a daily basis. Her professional but fun style of writing really catches the reader’s attention to a significant degree. Along with all the bright pinks and colors she has decorated her page with, the blog stands professional but yet beautiful and sophisticated. The Lo Down focuses on topics such as relationships, health and fitness, style, beauty, life, and community. As much as I love style and beauty her health and fitness topic really caught my attention. In one of her latest blog posts titled Lo’s September Diet she starts off by saying, “I love food”. As do I, but I like to keep my body healthy and fit at the same time and that is exactly what her blogs posts in health and fitness focus on.
The Lo Down is a well written, fun professional blog I look forward to reading in the near future!
The second mouth-watering professional blog I discovered is called The FN Dish. It was created by the Food Network for Food Network Stars and their followers to blog about their recipes and delicious dishes. The recipes include everything from Italian to Greek, and not only authentic dishes but healthy choices too! One blog post that caught my attention right off the bat was Spinach: Giada’s Great Italian Takes, recipe by Giada De Laurentiis. The blogger posted, “whip up some comforting everyday Italian dishes from Giada, featuring the earthy goodness of still-fresh spinach. As part of a cheesy topping or pasta mix-in, spinach goes from dreaded health food to savory treat”.  Though this blog is still professional it has more of a free style type of writing vibe. The blogs physical aspects defiantly grasp you attention right away with their delicious presentable looking photos. The FN Dish is a wonderful, yummy but healthy professional blog that I look forward to discovering new dishes from!
The Lo Down’s health and fitness part of her blog and the FN Dishes healthy but delicious choices are both extremely interesting, but yet different at the same time different. I found that these two blogs really related to each other well along with relating to me too.  Their comparisons are a lot more similar than I thought they would be. I defiantly believe I found two professional blogs that not only relate well to each other but to me as well. I could not have been more excited than finding two professional blogs that I significantly enjoyed writing about.
Thank you The Lo Down & FN Dish !

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stress & Time Management

Stressed out and overwhelmed. I didn’t take me to long to begin feeling this way about college. Everyone says it’s going to be hard, but hard is an understatement. I think college is an extremely difficult environment to become adjusted to. I am not used to the amounts of work I have been receiving from my classes, and I worry because I do not know what to expect from tests and quizzes. That is why time management is such an essential part of my life. I am a very organized person and I cannot stress that enough. But I have met my worst enemy, procrastination. Somehow I do not understand how I am such an organized person but still puts off everything to last minute, I just do. Though lately, I’ve been really pushing myself to get my work done early so I can feel that sense of relief and accomplishment, and it’s been working!
I am just your typical average “live-in” college student that is trying to figure out where she belongs on campus. I am currently rushing for a sorority and feel really great about it! Though sometimes I feel that I have too much time on my hands, I know that school work is my number one priority and my time needs to revolve around that. Between juggling papers, deadlines, assignments, tests/quizzes, my social life, getting involved on campus, etc I feel extremely overwhelmed, but I know that if I use my organizational skills to my advantage managing my time will be a breeze.
College truly is a whole new experience, one that I still believe that I am not 100% ready for but I am here, ready and willing to work my hardest.  Time management in high school was my strong point. I would have a day to day schedule everyday and that worked best for me as a student. Now that I am in college I am still adjusting to my new life, but I am beginning to manage my time successfully. School is my priority and I will not underestimate myself. I am a strong student and I will strive to be the best I can be.  
At the end of this of this semester I want to be able to look back on the outcome of my school work and be satisfied with the way I managed my time, and also be happy with the personal decisions I have made to better myself.

Check out this link to find techniques and strategies for time management!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Outcasts United: Warren St. John's Lecture

On September 15th, 2010 at 7pm, I attend the lecture by the author of Outcasts United, Warren St. John at the Lyman Center. He based his lecture off the summary/quote on the cover of the book, “An American Town, a Refugee Team, and One Women’s Quest to make a Difference”.  In the duration of his 45 minute speech he did not only summarize the novel, but he talked about the major themes and elements of the book.
The three major elements of the book included Clarkston, a small suburb town in Georgia that turned into a refugee settlement, the Refugees, and Coach Luma. Those three elements all undergo a transition in an ordinary way. The refugee’s transition from life in war zone to a new a life in Clarkston was a huge struggle, but it made them stronger and the soccer team only brought them more together.
Clarkston represented America’s future. In 5 years Clarkston went from being a boring, suburb town to one of the most diverse cities in the America, representing what American a whole would be in the future. The refuges looked up to Coach Luma, they connected with her and she helped them find meaning in life through the game of soccer. It wasn’t about winning to her; it was about passion, happiness, and finding themselves.
Connection, Unity, and Diversity are the three major themes of this novel. Warren St. John explained how culture connected within the three major themes. Even though the refugees now live in American they still must respect their culture and their place of origin. They want to feel a sense of belonging so they begin to adopt American customs but they still must always remember to always respect their culture. Through the major themes of the book you begin to understand the differences behind each of the refugees and see how they come together in a dynamic, organic way to achieve a common goal. They want to win to prove that they are more than just refuges living in a small American town, they are family. Luma shaped the Fugees in such a positive way. They have moved past their dismantled, cliquey team and formed a family.
Warren St. John wrapped up his speech by relating the themes in his book; connection, unity, and diversity to our college campus. Southern Connecticut State University is a diverse community and he explained how we as students should get involved within areas on campus to connect with each other. This takes preference over difference.
The biggest lesson John has learned from the Fugees is responsibility. College is a placed like no other he explained, so do yourself a favor and come together because you are all here for the same common mission. Be accepting towards others and you will benefit in the end.
Thank you Warren St. John.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September: A Month of Love and Loss

Ever since I was a little girl I always dreaded this time of year. And what happened last year made it even worse…
I am an only child and I have always been really close to my mom and my Ana (my grandmother).  We are a classic example of 3 generations; we did absolutely everything together and shared a bond no one could break. From the moment I was born I was constantly surrounded by love and affection from my Ana. Nothing could make me happier than just spending the day with the two most important and influential women in my life. But about 7 years ago, when I was 10 my Ana and Papa decided to sell their house in West Haven and move down to Florida. They come back every year at the end of May to spend the summer, until September when it’s time to say goodbye again. When I was younger I would cry for weeks after she left because I missed her so much but over the years I’ve learned to cope much better. Summer ended, school started, and my Ana would go back home. The worst month of the year.
Last year though, last year was different.
Ana & Papa had already left to go home… and on September 17th, 2009 our family dog Cali passed away from liver disease. Words cannot explain the love I felt for her, and she was the sweetest Yellow Lab you would ever meet. Her loss took a huge tole on not only me, my mom, and my dad but on my Ana too. She felt so bad that she couldn’t be there for me when I felt I needed her the most. Cali was my best friend and she meant the world to me. Dealing with her loss was really hard, but a few months later my Ana knew it was time for our family to fill our house with the same love we felt for Cali. She helped us find the newest member of our family Sophie, a Chocolate Lab puppy. The love we felt for Cali can never be replaced, just like the love I feel for my Ana will never fade just because she doesn’t live close by anymore.
One year later, and its September again. I’ve started my new life as a college student and said my goodbye’s to Ana. Even though my life has changed so much since last September I will always look back on this month and remember the wonderful life Cali shared with me and my family.
The influence Ana and Cali have on my life may seem so different, but to me the love feels the same.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Are you an Educated Person?

The University of Michigan’s definition of an Educated Person really caught my close attention as I read through the article. And as I read I thought to myself am I an educated person? I answered that question on a personal level.

“An educated person is someone who has learned how to acquire, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, understand, and communicate knowledge and information. An educated person has to develop skills that respond to changing professional requirements and new challenges in society and the world at large. He or she must be able to take skills previously gained from serious study of one set of problems and apply them to another. He or she must be able to locate, understand, interpret, evaluate, and use information in an appropriate way and ultimately communicate his or her synthesis and understanding of that information in a clear and accurate manner.”

[ Definition from ]

How can I now apply this information?

I applied the definition of an educated person as the expectation I have for myself and what I what to accomplish as an undergraduate student. Everyone should set goals and expectations for themselves because that is what makes them a more determined, accomplished person in life and determination is key.

To get a better understanding of the concept I related the article back to an event that had took place within my life. When I think of the definition of an educated person one event comes to mind; the SAT’s. The most important aptitude test you will take in your life many will tell you. Though that is not necessarily the case your scores will determine what college you will get into. I am not a good tester. I personally am better at writing papers and completing projects. So when it became time to begin studying for the SAT’s I felt extremely overwhelmed. How am I going to be able to learn to acquire, analyze, synthesize, evaluate, understand, and communicate knowledge and information all within one short test? My parents got me a tutor and bought me all the studying books to fully prepare myself for the SAT’s. So how did I do? Well, I accomplished the goal I had set for myself. Though I hadn’t exceeded my expectations I believe I did the best that I could and I was proud of myself for that.

Becoming an educated, knowledgeable person isn’t easy but if you work smart it will come true for you!


pictures  by Google Images.

Ready to Rush!

My first two weeks at SCSU were extremely overwhelming. I am beginning to get used to the whole college life experience even though it is a huge adjustment. I started off my new life here being extremely uncomfortable physically and emotionally. I have met a lot of great new friends over the past two weeks but I am a very home-bodied person so I miss my family, friends, and old life very much. Also, these extremely hot dorm conditions are absolutely unbearable and can make one like myself very miserable at times. But the temperature is finally beginning cool down and I’m happy and ready to get involved in my SCSU community!

The main challenge I have faced in the past 2 weeks other than adjusting to my new life as a college student is trying to figure out where I want to get involved. I have looked into a few different activities and I think I have finally found the perfect fit for me…I want to join a sorority! I have been to a few different meetings about Greek Life and I am extremely interested in Omega Zeta Pi and I cannot wait to start rushing! All the sisters are so friendly and make you feel so welcome here at Southern. I feel that by joining a sorority I will not only make tons of new friends and sisters but I will be actively involved in my SCSU community.

In high school I did not want to overwhelm myself because I wanted to keep my main focus on my grades and school work but I did want to somehow be involved at school. My sophomore year I tried out for the cheerleading team and joined the squad! I will never forget the memories and friends I had made and how much I loved representing my school. In college I chose not to pursue cheerleading but I feel that becoming a sister is the perfect fit for me.

Becoming involved in your college community is a great way to make the adjustment process a lot more easing, and we can learn that when it comes to getting involved everyone is different; its just about finding the right fit for you.

I am ready to rush!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Unique Me

When I think of myself and who I am as a person many words come to mind...

Friendly. I am a very happy and friendly person. I love meeting new people and making new friends and college is the best time to do so! Happiness for me is essential. I am a very genuine person and I believe being friendly towards others says a lot about yourself.

Reliable. I do not like to be let down; therefore I do not like to let others down. I am very reliable person. My friends and family know me to be the one to always count on. I am strong willed and I never like to give up on any goal or dream I have set for myself. I am an extremely determined person and that determination plays into my reliability.

Outgoing. I was a cheerleader for 7 years of my life so I will say that has a lot to do with my social skills. I am a loud, outspoken person who believes having fun and just living life is the best thing you can do for yourself. Always be yourself is my number one motto. Being outgoing will never hurt, you may have to break out of your comfort zone but it is totally worth it in the end. I love the confident, outgoing person that I am.

Loving. I am an extremely loving person, and I love very easily. I love my friends, my family and my new life. I don't want to be cocky and say that I love myself, but I do love the person that I have become and I am very proud of myself. Though love can hurt sometimes being the strong willed person that I am I feel that I have the confidence within myself to overcome any obstacle. Love who you are, always.

Sensitive. I may not seem by the way that I have been describing myself that I am a sensitive person but I truly am. I am emotional at times and my feelings can get hurt very easily. I like to put up a guard and tell myself that I'm stronger than this but sometimes I feel like I just need to let it out and that is when my sensitivity plays a huge role in my life. Being sensitive is nothing to be ashamed about and that’s why I can be strong and embrace my sensitivity.

As you can tell I am a very well rounded person when it comes to describing myself, but that’s what makes me, me.


As I sit here in my excruciatingly hot dorm room located in Hickerson Hall, I think back on what my life used to be like before August 27, 2010. In high school I had all the time in the world. I had many tasks to juggle such as homework, cheerleading practice, and work along with spending times with friends and family but overall my life was simple. Now that I am entering college and getting adjusted to my new life I feel college will be a whole new world for me. I will endure many tasks that will challenge me as a student. So what is college? College for me will determine my career. My major is nursing and have to work towards my major. My grades over the next two years will determine if I will get into the program or not. But for right now college is about meeting new people, getting involved in the SCSU community and overall having the time of my life. For me, going to college means accomplishing a goal, one I have set for myself and will achieve! Being a new face in the SCSU college community means a lot to me. I chose SCSU for many reasons. For one thing I am a home bodied girl, but I still wanted to get the experience of living away at college. I only live 30 minutes away so if I ever feel I just need to be with my family and go home for the weekend I can. Academically I will strive to do my best on every assignment, in every class, and I will dedicate my time to my school work. Personally, college is a huge adjustment for me, but I do feel really good about starting the new chapter of my life. Though my first year of college brings a lot of excitement it also brings a lot of worry and stress. I'm nervous the workload will be overbearing but I'm confident that if I keep a positive attitude and dedicate myself to my work I will not only be able to manage but will succeed as well. I will work hard to accomplish the goals I have set for myself and I will not let myself down! SCSU here I come.