Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Midterm Success!

I came into college being extremely nervous about the workload and the level of difficulty the work would consist of. Though, we are already halfway through the semester and midterm grades have been posted! I was nervous, but also excited as to how I was doing in my classes. I know how hard I have been working these last couple months to achieve good grades, so I knew that my grades should be everything I had expected them to be…..and I was right!
My midterm grades consisted of:
English  A-
Anthropology   A
Math 108  B
Psychology  A

Overall, I was more than satisfied with my midterm grades. The first semester of school has been a hard adjustment for me so I am very proud of myself that I did not let my personal problems get in the way of my school work & grades. I really try to focus on my assignments and complete them to the best of my ability so I know I tried my best, even if do not receive the grade I wanted on an assignment/class.  As I have posted in pervious blogs I am a very organized, structured person so what has been working best for me is a schedule. I am very big on time management, so every day I sit down and take a look at my planner and plan out the assignments I have to complete for that day/ week. I also make a daily schedule or “to-do list” to know what I have going on throughout the day and when I will allot time to complete my assignments. I try to focus day by day on assignments so I do not overwhelm or stress myself into thinking I have too much work and not enough time.

Some specific goals I can set for myself for the remainder of the semester consist of:
-continue to manage my time/schedule
-improve my INQ grade and earn an A
-continue to try my best and work my hardest in math (not my best subject)

My final goal is at the end of the semester when I retrieve my final grades is to have earned at least a B+ or A’s in all of my classes. Next semester my classes are going to be a lot more challenging so I want to try my absolute hardest to earn an excellent GPA this semester.
 And….as long as I at least earn a B in math I will be happy with myself and know I did try my best and work my hardest because it is a very challenging class for me.

I am very happy with my midterm grades and proud of myself for working so hard!

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