Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Ideal Life

My ideal life would be to graduate from college in 4-5 with a BSN (Bachelors Degree in Nursing-Registered Nurse). My major is very competitive and I apply into the program at the end of my sophomore year. If I get accepted into the Nursing Program here at Southern that will be a huge accomplishment for me and I will be very proud of myself. After graduating with my BSN  I hope to get a job right away (through my clinical experience) preferably at Yale New Haven Hospital and my dream as of right now is to work in obstetrics (maternity ward/nursery). I love babies and I am fascinated with pregnancy, so I think that would be the perfect career path for me.
After finishing my education and starting my career as a nurse I hope to be around 22 years old. I plan on living at home for a couple years while beginning to save money & getting settled into my new job. I want to save enough money to be able to pay all of my own bills and loans off, get my own place, and get a new car. I want to get my own place for a year or two and hopefully by the time I am 25 or 26 years old I want to have met the man of my dreams and get married.  I want to have a big wedding on the beach and honeymoon in Hawaii or any beautiful tropical location. After getting married I want to settle down with my husband, move into it a beautiful colonial house in Wallingford or Cheshire CT, and start a family.
Growing up, I was an only child and as much as I did enjoy it that’s not what I want for my children. I want to have three children (two daughter & a son) if I’m lucky. And I know I want my first born daughter named Jillian Elizabeth after my grandmother. I cannot wait settle down, have children, and become a mother. But, honestly all I want in life is to be happy! Of course everyone has the plan for the future and it doesn’t always work out as planned, but as long as a get my BSN and start my career, marry a great man that will be a wonderful husband and father,  and have healthy children I will be happy & my ideal life will be complete!
                       My Vision Board from the Beginning of the Semester
                                  Describes My Ideal Life Perfectly

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