Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Number of Difficult Situations...

This entire semester has been a huge adjustment for me and I’ve been in a pretty difficult situation the entire time. I have been trying to adjust to life on my own away from my family and closest friends and trying to make new close friends on campus. I’ve been really dedicated to my school work and I have been working really hard to keep my grades up. I consider myself and good, well rounded student and that is why I wanted to get involved on campus so I could get a feel for the full “college experience”. I decided to rush for Omega Zeta Pi Sorority and I was beyond excited. I loved it so much and was so happy when I became a new member. About four weeks into my new member period I decided it just wasn’t for me and I stopped my new member period. I just had a change of heart and I felt that it was just too overwhelming and I did not have enough time for everything going on with sorority, my classes and school work, and my social life. That put me in a really difficult situation because I had become close with my other pledges and some of the sisters. I thought long and hard about my decision and hoped that I had made the right choice for myself. The last thing I wanted was to feel as if now I have TOO much time on my hands and regret my decision. When I finally made a decision I called my Big (my big sister) and my Mom (a sister in charge of the new members) and then told all the Iota’s (the new members). It was hard tell them I was no longer going to continue but afterwards I felt a sense of relief. I now have plenty of time on my hand but I feel as if I am not on a restricted schedule anymore.  I now look at my experience with Omega Zeta Pi Sorority as a learning experience that I will always remember. I don’t regret the time, dedication and effort I put into it, because I really did learn about through out the experience. It taught me a lot about commitment and time management and in the end it just wasn’t right for me. I do look back on the times I shared with the girls and the memories I have made and I do miss them sometimes, but I will always cherish those memories and I do not regret my decision. I wish all the new members the best of luck !
This week had been its own difficult situation:
The week before Thanksgiving break…

I had:
·         A Math Exam Monday
·         A Scavenger Hunt in INQ Tuesday & Read 3 Articles for an in Class Writing Assignment (Thurs)
·         A 5 Page Movie Analysis on Crazy Horse in Anthropology due Wednesday
·         An Anthropology Quiz on Wednesday
·         A 6 page Psychology Study Guide due Wednesday & Test on Friday
·         And the Weekly Routine of Campus Safari (Thursday) and 2 Blogs Due by Saturday

I have been overwhelmed with school work this week and have been completely stressed out! I have gotten a lot of my work completed so I do feel a little bit of relief and accomplishment, thank god! This week has just been really intense and it’s really challenged me as a student to see how well I can handle the pressure. Especially because the nursing program is really competitive I have to be really dedicated to my work and be able to handle the pressure so I can keep my grades up. Overall, this semester as a whole has been really stressful, especially this week but I know it will all pay off in the end. And don’t get me wrong… I have really adjusted to living on campus and I really like it. I have made some great friends and I am really looking forward to another semester on campus.
But, as of right now all I’m thinking about is getting through this week and I’m looking forward to pretty much all of next week off. Time to spend at home with my wonderful family, great friends all while enjoying a delicious meal. YUM!

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