Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Thanksgiving Day & Feast!

Thanksgiving for me isn’t just about food. It’s about family, and the remembrance of what we are thankful for. My thanksgiving is always a hectic one! This year I got up around 8am, got ready and headed off to my grandma’s house with my parents. We visit with her for about an hour and then I went straight to the Carini Bowl (the annual Thanksgiving football game with my old high school Lyman Hall vs. cross town rivals Sheehan). The stands are packed with fans, alumni, band members, cheerleaders, parents and everyone else who comes to support the Lyman Hall Trojans! This year we won 41-3, a blowout game. After the game I went home, got ready and headed straight to my uncles house where my whole family comes together for a delicious meal.
At approximately 2:00pm right after the Patriots game ended with a victory, we sat down for our formal dinner feast! Our meal consisted of a roasted turkey, gravy, red-skinned garlic mashed potatoes, crunchy stuffing with pecans, cranberry sauce, tossed green salad, green bean casserole, and corn. It was phenomenal, absolutely delicious. I love having our family come together, enjoy a wonderful meal, and give thanks. Shortly after the meal, the pies were out and coffee was ready. We enjoy apple crumb pie, pumpkin pie, and lemon-meringue pie. YUMM! Our thanksgiving was a success, but it would be nothing without my amazing family, great food, and of course all of the football games. I am very thankful for many things in my life, and this was the holiday to celebrate that!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Senior Leader

I was on my high school cheerleader team for three years, Sophomore-Senior year. I had been cheering since I was nine years old so when I didn’t make the team my freshman year I was beyond disappointed. I was upset for weeks and worst of all it wasn’t even based on my skills, it was all politics. When I made the team my sophomore year I was ecstatic! Coach Moir was a 22 year old English teacher at our school who had been cheering for over 15 years. She was beyond qualified and really turned our team around from what it used to be. But my junior year she quit for personal reasons and she was replaced with a “chaperone” coach with no experience in cheerleading. The captains turned into our coaches our junior year and it was just chaos taking full direction from our peers and none from our actual coach. My senior year, our “chaperone” coach quit and was now replaced by Coach Judy. She was nowhere near as qualified as Coach Moir but she knew what she was doing and did get our team back on the right track.

It came time to choose captains and I had really proven myself as a leader. When I didn’t get the position it was like my freshman year all over again, I was really upset because I knew how great I would have been and I had so many ideas for the team. The two captains chosen knew how upset I was and decided to make a position for me. I was the “Senior Leader” of the team. I was in charge of the team along with the captains, just without the title. I really did enjoy the position of senior leader, but I was still upset throughout the year that I did not earn the actual title as captain. Either way, being a leader of the team really changed me as a person. Cheerleading was my life in high school and I was 100% dedicated to my team. Even though I did not earn the title as captain, I was still a leader and my teammates still looked up to and respected me. My position taught me a lot about responsibility and commitment and I was honored to earn that title as “senior leader” from my peers.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Number of Difficult Situations...

This entire semester has been a huge adjustment for me and I’ve been in a pretty difficult situation the entire time. I have been trying to adjust to life on my own away from my family and closest friends and trying to make new close friends on campus. I’ve been really dedicated to my school work and I have been working really hard to keep my grades up. I consider myself and good, well rounded student and that is why I wanted to get involved on campus so I could get a feel for the full “college experience”. I decided to rush for Omega Zeta Pi Sorority and I was beyond excited. I loved it so much and was so happy when I became a new member. About four weeks into my new member period I decided it just wasn’t for me and I stopped my new member period. I just had a change of heart and I felt that it was just too overwhelming and I did not have enough time for everything going on with sorority, my classes and school work, and my social life. That put me in a really difficult situation because I had become close with my other pledges and some of the sisters. I thought long and hard about my decision and hoped that I had made the right choice for myself. The last thing I wanted was to feel as if now I have TOO much time on my hands and regret my decision. When I finally made a decision I called my Big (my big sister) and my Mom (a sister in charge of the new members) and then told all the Iota’s (the new members). It was hard tell them I was no longer going to continue but afterwards I felt a sense of relief. I now have plenty of time on my hand but I feel as if I am not on a restricted schedule anymore.  I now look at my experience with Omega Zeta Pi Sorority as a learning experience that I will always remember. I don’t regret the time, dedication and effort I put into it, because I really did learn about through out the experience. It taught me a lot about commitment and time management and in the end it just wasn’t right for me. I do look back on the times I shared with the girls and the memories I have made and I do miss them sometimes, but I will always cherish those memories and I do not regret my decision. I wish all the new members the best of luck !
This week had been its own difficult situation:
The week before Thanksgiving break…

I had:
·         A Math Exam Monday
·         A Scavenger Hunt in INQ Tuesday & Read 3 Articles for an in Class Writing Assignment (Thurs)
·         A 5 Page Movie Analysis on Crazy Horse in Anthropology due Wednesday
·         An Anthropology Quiz on Wednesday
·         A 6 page Psychology Study Guide due Wednesday & Test on Friday
·         And the Weekly Routine of Campus Safari (Thursday) and 2 Blogs Due by Saturday

I have been overwhelmed with school work this week and have been completely stressed out! I have gotten a lot of my work completed so I do feel a little bit of relief and accomplishment, thank god! This week has just been really intense and it’s really challenged me as a student to see how well I can handle the pressure. Especially because the nursing program is really competitive I have to be really dedicated to my work and be able to handle the pressure so I can keep my grades up. Overall, this semester as a whole has been really stressful, especially this week but I know it will all pay off in the end. And don’t get me wrong… I have really adjusted to living on campus and I really like it. I have made some great friends and I am really looking forward to another semester on campus.
But, as of right now all I’m thinking about is getting through this week and I’m looking forward to pretty much all of next week off. Time to spend at home with my wonderful family, great friends all while enjoying a delicious meal. YUM!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Stimulated Mind

I believe to feel intellectually stimulated in a class, that class not only has to be one that you enjoy and holds your interest, but it also has to be challenging and motivating.
Class: Intro to Psychology
My psychology class takes place every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at 9:10-10 with Dr. Leonard Santarsiero. I find the curriculum so engaging and interesting, but yet still challenging. I truly enjoy learning and understanding about why our mind and body work the way they do, and relating them to real world problems/experiences. This class defiantly holds my complete interest and really stimulates my mind.  Learning the basics of psychology actually helps me understand myself on a completely different level leading me to feel intellectually stimulated. I enjoy attending every class and listening to his interesting and intriguing 50 minute lectures. I feel that in that class I am actually learning information that I am going to remember and use for the rest of my life.

Origins of Psychology
Behavior, Experience & Emotion
Brain, Speech, & Emotions
Abnormal Psychology & Disorders (Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, OCD)
Theories and Perspectives
Sensation & Perception
Sleep & Dreams

Learning about all of these topics really helps me process information on a completely different level. I now have a full understand how and why our mind works the way it does. “Psyche” means soul & mind.  Our mind is triggered by a series of behaviors, experiences and emotions. Overall, I find psychology to be an extremely intellectually stimulating and a class I truly enjoy.


live for the moments you'll never forget, with the people you'll always remember

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Common Study Place?

Everyone has their own place where they feel they get the most work done, a place where they feel motivated and inspired. And most importantly a place where they feel focused and have total concentration.  That place for me, is my dorm room. For most people, their favorite places to study on campus and get their work done are in their common rooms, the library, or the student center.  But for me I feel most comfortable right in the comfort of my door room.
Growing up, I was an only child so I am used having my own room to complete my work in the environment setting that I accommodate for myself. When I’m writing an essay, completing a project, or even making note cards to prepare for a test I like to do it by myself 100 % in peace & quiet. I cannot have any distractions. The TV stays off, I don’t listen to my iPod, and I pretty much need almost complete silence to get my work done to the best of my ability. Coming into college, I was a bit nervous and hesitant about my rooming situation. I was wondering if my roommate was going to be loud and distracting because then I would have had to find a different study space, but I lucked out.  My roommate is barley ever in the room, and though I like her as a person and truly enjoy her company I am able to get my work done right here in the cozy dorm room, which reminds me of my room at home!
 I would consider myself and good student, who works hard and receives good grades, so why would I want to change or expand my horizon to different places study. Though my study place is not cool, it is effect and it’s what works for me. Though, I am interested to hear about some cool study places on campus, because I’m sure many students have unique study locations where they feel the motivated or inspired, or even just a place where they feel comfortable completing their work/studying. My study place may not be unique or out of the ordinary, but it’s just right!
My Study Spot

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grade Inflation Discussion

In class on Tuesday November 2nd, we discussed the article Grade Inflation in American Education. We had to come up with an INQ question based on this article and my question was: Do you think that grade inflation in American education is “fair”? And even though that question may be broad it has a higher meaning. Some questions that stood out within the class were…
-Why do students feel as if they deserve a higher grade when the effort is not there?
- Does the term “above average” still have the same higher meaning if America is beginning to inflate student’s grades?
These two questions seemed to be up for a bit of discussion within the classroom. Many students agreed that is it not right for students to feel as if they deserve a higher grade when the effort is not there. Teachers have been telling us since we were in elementary school that they do give grade, we earn our grades and have to work for them. So it is not fair for schools, colleges, and universities to start tacking on a .333 to every students GPA so they can look like more of an “attractive student” than they truly are. This question then ties into the second question, does the term above average still have the same higher meaning? I would say no. If the American education system is going to start inflating student’s grades then no one is really going to be able to define above average anymore. Students cannot feel if they just do what is expected of them (homework, attending every class, and participating in class discussions) you need to take it a step further to truly become that “above average student”! So I believe if all schools throughout the United States do start inflating students grades the term above average will no longer have it’s true meaning. How will you be able to tell the difference between the student who earned that 4.0 GPA or the one that it was given to? You can’t.
This article really did catch my attention which is why I previously blogged about it two weeks ago in my blog post titled Weekly Reading & Article Controversies. There you will find an even more elaborate opinion and problem I have with grade inflating in America. My issue stand clear: overall it is blatantly not fair!

Stressed Out?

stress: the physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another, strain. Subject to undergo extreme pressure or strain, as from their job.  The verb stress means “afflict with hardship”.

Everyone has their own personal way of dealing with stress. Some of the most common stress relievers include: yoga/meditation, getting a massage, deep breathing, taking a long walk, exercise, stress balls, spend time with friends, laughter, taking a vacation, doing a hobby (painting, gardening, etc), sleeping well and eating a balanced nutritious diet. All of these stress relief techniques are opted to helping one clear their head and in the end, feel stress free.
On a daily basis I tend to feel stressed out, but I have been a lot better in dealing with relieving my stress lately. One thing I love to do to relieve my stress and clear my head is having a positive outlook on any and every situation that has been stressing me out lately.  Another thing I love to do when I feel stressed out is go to the gym. I exercise and work myself really hard to let all my anger/stress out. I feel exercise works really well with relieving my stress. And also, I take a weekly yoga class to help clear my head and feel a sense of calmness & relief. I feel the best way to relieve stress (for me) is by surrounding yourself with people you love and who care about you. Have a good time with them, go out and enjoy yourself! Laugh until you cry and just forget about all of your problems. Spend time with those important people in your life, and I can guarantee you will feel stress free!
My absolute favorite PLACE to go to feel 100% relaxed and stress free is the beach. The beach is my sanctuary, my home away from home. Ever since I was little I have so many wonderful memories surrounding the beach. It’s beautiful scenery gives off such a relaxing vibe and I always feel a sense of calmness and relief when visiting.
By picking a place to feel stress free, you are going beyond stress relief techniques and surrounding yourself with total relaxation and calmness. You know you will always have that place to go to when/if those techniques don’t work.
Everyone has their own personal ways with dealing with stress, so what’s right for you?